School Streets Designs
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school streets designs

School streets are road redesigns that create car-free zones in front of schools during peak drop-off and pick-up times. They’re rapidly gaining popularity around the world because they can be a quick and low-cost solution to reduce traffic, pollution, improve safety, and encourage walking and biking.

School Streets can take many forms. Some restrict cars to a short period at the start and end of the day; others remain permanently car-free. But all School Streets can help to reimagine the roadway into a space that prioritizes children’s health and well-being. They can be used for outdoor learning, community events, or even as safe places for people to walk and roll. Read more

Designing School Streets for Active Transportation: Walking and Biking

In London, school streets are so popular that the borough of Hackney recently said that the only way to opt out is by writing a letter. And in Tirana, Albania, where the city is leading a global vanguard of child-first urban planning policies, schools are fast-tracking permanent school street schemes, too.

It’s important that when applying for an Open Street, you engage with your entire school and neighborhood communities throughout the process. This will bolster your application and ensure that the final design of the school street reflects a wide range of inputs, needs, and interests.

It’s also crucial to understand that school streets can have a significant impact on the surrounding roads and neighborhoods. As such, you should develop a strategy for engaging with and mobilizing community stakeholders at each stage of the project.